What We Offer

Dominic Wung Fitness

Group Class Studio

Wung Fitness provides 60 or more minutes of moderate- or vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per day for at least 2 days. Ranging from group sessions such as boot camps, cardio dance, kickboxing, marathons, walks, body sculpting and pump and many others.

Sports Conditioning

Conditioning will help “tune up” the body to play more efficiently, prevent injuries by strengthening their foundation and correcting muscular and postural imbalances

Muscle-strengthening  activities

Wung Fitness’ includes muscle-strengthening physical activity on at least 2 days of the week, as part of the 60 or more minutes.

Preventive Diagnosis

Medical Screenings to ascertain the fitness and health level of participants before they are engaged. This process also helps to inform the participant on the state of health so immediate preventive measure can be applied

Postural Analysis / Ergonomics

With emphasis on correcting postural and muscular imbalances. This is a common problem most city-dwellers suffer due to prolonged usage of desktops and laptops in a high-stress living environment

Nutrition Counseling in form of Health Talks

An actionable step to halt the progression can help prevent chronic diseases such as stroke, obesity, cancer, heart disease and maintenance of a healthy weight e.t.c.